Hispanic Catholics in Arizona and Nevada Urged to Hold Democrat Senators Accountable over Recent Vote in Favor of Radical Abortion Bill

CatholicVote launched a six-figure digital ad campaign Wednesday, in both Arizona and Nevada, that urges Hispanic voters to hold accountable so-called “Catholic” Democrat Senators Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) over their recent votes in the U.S. Senate to advance a radical abortion bill that would have overridden state pro-life laws.

Arizona’s Kelly and Nevada’s Cortez Masto both voted with all Democrat U.S. senators, save for Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), in favor of what Democrats dubbed the Women’s Health Protection Act, legislation that would have embedded abortion on demand, at any time during pregnancy, into federal law, making invalid most individual state pro-life laws.

The organization, which seeks to inspire American Catholics to live out their faith in the public square, hopes to reach Hispanic Catholic voters in both Arizona and Nevada, where residents continue to deal with a surge in crime and unprecedented inflation and gas prices while their Democrat senators in Washington have made a radical abortion bill their priority.

The Arizona ad’s script is below:

Los hispanos estamos orgullosos de contribuir con una nación mejor con nuestro trabajo, nuestros impuestos, nuestra fe y nuestros valores. Pero necesitamos políticos que resuelvan problemas reales: el aumento del costo de los alimentos, la gasolina, el aumento del crimen y la falta de respeto a los padres en las escuelas. Con estas urgencias ¿Qué hace nuestro Senador Mark Kelly votando a favor de una ley que busca legalizar el aborto hasta el momento mismo del nacimiento sin escuchar a los padres de familia?  ¿Usted está con nosotros o con los millonarios que quieren aborto ilimitado?”

Hispanics are proud to contribute to a better nation with our work, our taxes, our faith and our values. But we need politicians who solve real problems: the rising cost of food, gasoline, rising crime, and disrespect for parents in schools. With these urgencies, what is our Senator Mark Kelly doing voting for a law that seeks to legalize abortion up to the very moment of birth without listening to parents? Are you with us or with the powers behind unlimited abortion?

“Our campaign is designed to educate and mobilize Hispanic voters to hold key Senators accountable for their radically misplaced priorities,” said Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, in a statement, adding:

As these voters ask their elected officials to address skyrocketing gas prices, soaring crime and inflation, and the lingering consequences of excessive COVID mandates, senators in both Nevada and Arizona are instead pushing extreme abortion laws. The real priorities of Hispanic voters are being ignored.

CatholicVote Civic Action also announced this month it contributed to another ad campaign specifically targeting Kelly for voting in favor of the radical abortion bill. The ads ran on cable and broadcast television in the Phoenix and Tucson media markets.

In January, the faith organization launched the Catholic Accountability Project, an initiative that seeks to hold Catholic leaders and institutions accountable to foundational Catholic moral teachings.

Burch said about the project:

Many self-professed Catholics in public life not only reject Catholic teaching, they openly flaunt their opposition, with zero consequences. This phenomenon leaves many Catholics angry, confused, and disillusioned. CatholicVote is marshaling the full resources of our organization to unmask Catholic public figures who openly defy Church teaching – and hold them accountable.

About half of Hispanic Americans identify as Catholic, and, as NALEO Educational Fund projects, voter turnout among Hispanics is expected to increase in Arizona and Nevada this year compared to record levels in 2018.

In Arizona, Hispanic Catholic voter turnout is projected to increase this year 9.6% from 2018, and, in Nevada, the increase is expected to be 5.8%.

A poll published March 11 at The Wall Street Journal found Hispanic voters are moving away from the radical agenda of the Democrats:

By 9 percentage points, Hispanic voters in the new poll said they would back a Republican candidate for Congress over a Democrat. The two parties had been tied among Hispanic voters in the Journal’s survey in November.

CatholicVote noted about the Democrats’ radical abortion bill:

Some of the objectionable and unpopular provisions of the bill include nullifying all state laws restricting abortion – including painful late term abortions, requiring healthcare workers to perform abortions, gutting parental rights, and providing direct federal taxpayer funding for all abortions, for any reason.

The Nevada ad’s script is below:

Los hispanos nos sentimos orgullosos de ser los trabajadores más duros y confiables de la economía de Nevada. Pero necesitamos políticos que resuelvan los problemas crecientes de la inflación, los bajos salarios, el costo de la gasolina y las consecuencias sin fin del COVID. Por eso nos desconcierta y frustra que nuestra Senadora Catherine Cortez en vez de enfrentar estos problemas, pierda su tiempo con una ley del aborto que matará inocentes y no salvará ninguna vida de los trabajadores de Nevada”

We Hispanics are proud to be the hardest and most reliable workers in the Nevada economy. But we need politicians who will solve the growing problems of inflation, low wages, the cost of gas, and the endless consequences of COVID. Why we are baffled and frustrated that our Senator Catherine Cortez, instead of addressing these issues, is wasting her time on an abortion bill that will kill innocents and benefit not a single life of Nevada workers.

“The votes in favor of extreme abortion by both Kelly and Cortez Masto are especially disturbing given that both publicly describe themselves as Catholic,” Burch continued. “The Church is clear that support for lethal violence against unborn children is incompatible with Church teaching.”

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Susan Berry, PhD is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].




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One Thought to “Hispanic Catholics in Arizona and Nevada Urged to Hold Democrat Senators Accountable over Recent Vote in Favor of Radical Abortion Bill”

  1. Tim Price

    Democrats care not about human life only the votes that they will get!
